Bypass the Disabled Right Click option in Websites

Posted by Sharan R On 8:05 AM

                                 While browsing over the internet I have came across many sites disabling the right click feature on the website. The right click will be generally disabled to eradicate the copying of the content and for many other reasons.

The trick is that you can bypass this disable feature by changing the Security custom levels in your IE

Here is a step by step procedure.(Assuming that you use IE 7 for instance)

1. Open you Internet Explorer Browser

2. Click on "Tools"-> "Internet Options"

3. Click on the "Security" tab

4. Click "Custom Level"

5. Scroll down to the "Scripting" section

6. There set "Active Scripting" to "disable"

7. Then click "OK" on all the open boxes.

That's it. Now open the website and then now you don't have that disabling of the right click.

Once your work is done you need to enable it back again as many of the sites uses the java scripting and this need to be enabled to view those pages.